
I try a burger from The Barn in London Road, Leicester

After my order from The Barn arrived, I opened all the boxes and took out the burger, setting everything up for a photo, but I couldn’t wait to put the burger in my mouth. It looked great and made my mouth water.

I thought about taking a big bite and then flipping the burger so it wouldn’t show. But I managed enough self-control to take the picture before shoving it in the gob while still sitting in the kitchen.

I went for the sucuk and butter burger – a juicy piece of beef with sucak sausage, which I had never heard of, and a burnt butter mayo. It was soft and had great flavors, helped by the chunks of raw white onion in the sauce that provided a little crunch.

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The sausage worked beautifully with the beef and gave it an extra element. It was all gone in about three minutes, but it was a great three minutes. The £7.50 burger also had a good amount of cheese to help hold it all together and came in a very stylish box – they don’t skimp on the packaging at The Barn.

Next comes the crunch chicken tenders, drenched in sweet chili sauce. They were so moist that the juices from the boneless chicken oozed out as I bit into them and I dunked them in the generous pool of sauce at the bottom of the box as I ate through them.

I intended to have one or two and save the rest for later. But all four – costing £5.50 – disappeared, one after the other, because they were too good to pass up.

The restaurant is on London Road, just south of the city centre(Image: Google)

My meal also came with a can of Coke and a side of cheese fries. I was asked to choose a sauce with my chips and I opted for mayo – but I didn’t even open the packet because there was so much cheese on the chips it would have overwhelmed them.

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