
I try the top rated Japanese restaurant Bonzai in Leicester

Feeling adventurous, I had a look on the Deliveroo app to see which Japanese restaurants in Leicester city center were popular. There was one, Bonzai on Hotel Street, which had a great score and lots of delicious food.

Located in what used to be Le Petit Four across the street from the Market Street McDonald’s, it’s a place I’ve passed many times, but with the blinds down and the doors usually closed, it’s never felt so welcoming.

It didn’t seem like the kind of place that would get 4.8 stars, beating out both Yo! Sushi and Wagamama on the Deliveroo rating system. There were a lot of great things to choose from and I chose gyoza dumplings, some octopus balls and a main dish of duck teppanyaki fried noodles.

READ MORE: Chinese restaurant review: I try a feast of fiery flavors

Obviously, a big part of Japanese food is the presentation, but even when it arrives at my house in plastic containers, everything looks great. Dumplings, served with sesame sauce, were the first thing I tried, sitting in the sun trying to remember how to use chopsticks before remembering I never could.

The great thing about dumplings is that you can stab them. Poke them with a stick, dip them in the sauce and then eat.

I don’t know what Japanese dumplings mean, but they are among the most satisfying things to eat in the world. The insides were meaty and delicious and had been finished under a grill to give them a very lightly charred taste which added a whole other dimension.

The sushi bar in Hotelului Street doesn’t look like much. But they make great food.(Image: Google)

Next came the takoyaki dough balls, which were covered in a small amount of sauce that gave a strong flavor, contrasting with the soft, almost milky dough. Inside were diced pieces of octopus, which would have looked like nasty pieces of cartilage if I hadn’t expected them.

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