
LETTER: Bad idea to end sewage surveillance

Letter writer questions why province is canceling an “effective tool” that public health experts recommend continuing

BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at (email protected) or through the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for copyright checking, not for publication).The following letter was sent in response to news that the provincial government is ending the water watch program used by public health to detect infectious diseases in the local population.

I would like to express my extreme disappointment in the Ford government’s recent decision to end funding for the Ontario Wastewater Watch that was initiated in 2020.

Preventive maintenance is the most cost-effective way to protect Ontarians from another disastrous outbreak similar to COVID-19.

Four sample sites in Toronto are unnecessary for the other areas of Ontario.

Why is this government shying away from an effective tool that public health experts recommend?

Politicians need to consider the right experts, not other politicians!

Dr. Donald Prior

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