
‘My Boy Died Inside’ – Professor Predator used a ‘party’ trick to lure teenage boys to his flat before ‘fornication scene’

A teacher who lured a group of teenagers to his home before sexually assaulting one and attempting to assault another has been jailed.

Alejandro Castillo met the boys at Wakefield bus station on November 12 last year. Leeds Crown Court heard on Wednesday that Castillo, then 48, gave them a beer and then gave one of the boys money to go get more, telling them he was having a “party”.

Prosecutor Ashley Metcalfe said cannabis and pizza were placed at Castillo’s house and nothing happened that night, but the next day he invited two of them again, but four attended. The court heard he sent a number of boys with money and this time he preyed on two of them.

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Mrs Metcalfe said: “He gave them all drinks and one of the boys drank until he passed out and felt very ill. He remembers being in the empty bathroom and waking up in the defendant’s bed.”

The boy was said to remember waking up to find Castillo attempting to engage in sexual activity with him. Ms Metcalfe added: “One of the other boys went into the bedroom and found them in bed and the defendant and the complainant were both naked. His friends managed to get him out of the apartment.”

The court heard that Castillo then tried to kiss one of the other boys. After his arrest, he told police he denied sexual activity with either victim, but pleaded guilty to sexual assault and attempted sexual assault on the day both were due to be questioned during a court hearing. Castillo’s victims were only 16 and 18 years old.

In a victim impact statement, Castillo’s first victim said she struggled to sleep and “wakes up with sweat running down her chest and struggling to breathe, so I try not to sleep.”

Castillo met the boys at the Wakefield bus station(Image: Kristian Johnson / Reach plc)

He said in a statement read to the court: “I will no longer go out alone for fear of people – I don’t trust anyone now. If I hear certain songs on the radio it takes me back to that night… I relive the horror of those events every day .After this I had to go to a police rape center where I was stabbed, swallowed and beaten by someone looking for evidence.

The boy said he suffers from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares and flashbacks. He said the crime has completely destroyed his life and he has no friends and has since been subjected to messages from strangers and people he knows. He added; “It made me want to kill myself… I can’t look at myself anymore because all I feel is shame.”

The boy’s mother also submitted a statement in which she told the court: “My boy died inside.”

Castillo’s second victim said she was no longer allowed to socialize because of the involvement of social workers. He said: “I failed to live my life. It was like living in a prison. My mom is worried about me all the time and I’m on a needy plan. Dating made me even more upset. me and my parents fall out a lot… I just want to be a normal teenager again.”

The court was told Castillo had previous convictions on his record for offenses including fraud, common assault, assaulting a police officer and being drunk and disorderly.

Mitigating, Michael Morley told the court a pre-sentence report was carried out during which Castillo tried to play down his offending. Mr Morley said: “You have read that there is a denial about number four. I have received instructions and do not accept this denial…”

Leeds Crown Court

Castillo was said to have written a letter to one of the victims and a reference from a friend was handed to the court.

Mr Morley said Castillo moved from Mexico to the UK to train to become a teacher and had suffered “tragedy” in his own life, including the killing of his niece and nephew in his home country. The gentleman added: “He suffered from depression, you have seen the letter from his GP about his long-term problems with depression from around 2012. There is reference to suicide attempts.”

The court heard that Castillo had also been subjected to a number of attacks, including one at his own home, and that he had heard “through the grapevine” that if he went into custody he “could do harm”.

Jailing him for 18 months, Judge Stubbs told him his victims ‘have their own vulnerabilities’ and added: ‘For a trained teacher like you they must have been clear. It was a scene of debauchery made by you.”

The judge said he agreed with the author of the pre-sentence report, who concluded Castillo posed a risk. He also made Castillo subject to a ten-year restraining order, a ten-year sexual harm prevention order and ordered him to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for ten years. He was also banned from working with children.

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