
Remove stubborn toilet limescale with an inexpensive and effective household item

Limescale is a chalky substance that tends to stick to any surface it comes in contact with, from toilet bowls to shower screens and faucets.

Removing limescale from below the waterline in a toilet can be quite difficult because any cleaning products added to the toilet are diluted by water.

While it is possible to turn off the water supply and let the toilet flush completely for access, there is an easier method that works without having to remove the water from the toilet bowl.

In an effort to help fellow cleaners in their battle against toilet limescale, one woman has shared her top tip on the Mrs Hinch Army Cleaning Tips Facebook page.

Jasmine Folly posted a before picture showing her toilet bowl completely brown due to limescale and an after photo of a clean, limescale-free toilet, the Express reports.

To achieve these “amazing” results, Jasmine used only one cheap product – citric acid.

She explained: “Ok, so I’ve seen a lot of people asking about cleaning limescale from toilets, so I thought I’d sacrifice my pride and post a before and after photo of how well it works when you use citric acid. “

“Just boil water, wait until it’s about to boil, pour it into the toilet water so you don’t break the bowl, sprinkle citric acid on it and away you go.”

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