
FE News | Excellence in education celebrated at Bradford College STAR Awards

Bradford’s Cedar Court Hotel was buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the first Bradford College STAR Awards ceremony.

The prestigious event celebrated outstanding achievement and excellence in education, honoring students and employers for their outstanding contributions over the past academic year.

The new awards recognize those who have gone above and beyond in educational activities and support roles. The proceedings began with a welcome address from Bradford College CEO and Principal Chris Webb, who emphasized the importance of hard work and perseverance in education.

Chris said: “Tonight we celebrate the stars of Bradford College, whose dedication and passion for learning inspires us all. These awards are not just about individual achievements, but also about the collective spirit of our community.”

One of the highlights of the evening was the Headteacher’s Pupil of the Year award which went to Olivia Sparkes – an early years student who has been outstanding over the last two years of her term. Her nomination read:

“Olivia was a key project leader as part of the Ambition (HUB) program, demonstrating outstanding leadership and collaboration. She consistently attended classes despite her own personal challenges.

“Olivia has always shown a collaborative spirit and willingness to share her expertise. Her ability to balance collaboration and leadership with patience and perseverance set an outstanding example for her peers and made her a truly invaluable student. She has now received an offer from the University of Huddersfield to study Pediatric Nursing.”


Other 2024 STAR Award Winners

Interdepartmental Student of the Year went to Max Whitehead, who studies sport. Max’s nomination read:

“Max goes above and beyond to get the best possible grade in his assessments. He is always a caring and respectful young man, he has been a role model for his classmates and is always willing to help people. Max has now been successful in his application to an Applied Sports Studies in Football course at Leeds Beckett University.”

Ambition Hub Student of the Year went to Danish Zubair in Computing. His nomination read:

An exceptional student and project leader for our Ambition Group (HUB) this year, Danish has shown outstanding leadership and dedication. (…) Beyond his core responsibilities, he extended his support to other groups, demonstrating his collaborative spirit and willingness to share his expertise.”

Ellie Searby won the T Level Student of the Year award.

Ellie is known as a dedicated and diligent student. She consistently demonstrates excellent attendance, a strong work ethic, and high academic standards. Her commitment to learning not only impressed her teachers, but also led to multiple summer internship offers from various companies.

Apprentice of the year went to James Bland, specializing in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. His guardians said:

“James has consistently demonstrated outstanding practical and theoretical skills, marking him out as an exemplary apprentice in our programme. His exceptional talent and dedication earned him a place in the prestigious WorldSkills competition, where the most skilled apprentices in their fields compete at national level.

“We are proud to recognize him for his extraordinary achievements and contributions. His hard work, dedication and exceptional skills make him a truly deserving recipient of this award.”

The Adult Student of the Year award went to Hedian Al Babesi, who transformed from a shy and nervous student into a confident young woman capable of performing Shakespeare in front of hundreds of people. Her nomination read:

“Hedian knows that education is her key to a better future, so she not only concentrates in every lesson, but also takes her homework home and completes extra tasks. She supports her family, has a constant smile on her face and her positive attitude means she sees obstacles as opportunities for growth.”

Science student Mohammad Ehsan won the Student Ambassador Award. His nomination read:

“Mohamed’s helpful nature has created a positive and inclusive learning environment in our classroom where everyone feels valued and supported. His kindness and empathy had a significant impact on the well-being of his classmates (…) He has become an invaluable member of our community and we are proud to have him as part of our team!”

The employer partner of the year was at Kids Planet. Cherelle Webster accepted the award on behalf of the organization after being nominated by the College Early Years and Health & Social Care team.

Over the past two years, Kids Planet has hosted 24 students for work experience. The organization has built a strong partnership with Bradford College, taking on more students than planned and has now agreed to become our industrial partner for the next cohort of Early Years T Level students.

Cross College Student of the Year went to Jeson Isolano, who is enrolled in a work-study course.

Jeson came to college from abroad, encountering challenges in meeting upper-level course requirements. However, his dedication was truly remarkable. His work ethic and perseverance are truly inspiring, as are his manners.

Jeson is a model student who has completed over 20 hours of work experience, 80 hours of enrichment activities and over 20 hours of social action to give back to the community. Jeson will now make a well-deserved transition to a Level 1 course.

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