
Labour’s minimum wage plans that could affect ‘hundreds of thousands’

Changes to the minimum wage and new laws affecting workers were promised by Labor ahead of the General Election. With the party now in power after a landslide victory, the new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has said he will “hit the ground running”.

The new PM said that there is a “huge amount of work to do” that they would start straight away. In its manifesto, Labor said it would bring in new legislation as part of its ‘new deal for working people’ within its first 100 days in power.

The party has said it wants to “make work pay” and that its plan will ban exploitative work conditions and give workers more rights, reports the Manchester Evening News. Labor has said it will make sure the minimum wage is a ‘genuine living wage’.


This will involve changing the remit of the independent Low Pay Commission – which advises the government on the minimum wage – so it accounts for the cost of living for the first time. The party also said it would remove age bands so that all adults are entitled to the same minimum wage.

According to the manifesto, which describes the current age bands as ‘discriminatory’, this would give ‘hundreds of thousands of workers across the UK’ a pay rise.

Labour’s Plan to Make Work Pay commits to banning ‘exploitative’ zero-hours contracts, ending fire and rehire by employers and introducing basic rights ‘from day one’ of a new job. This includes rights to parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal.

The party has said it will implement its ‘new deal for working people’ in full within the first 100 days. However, the manifesto says that it will ‘consult fully’ with businesses, workers and civil society on how to put these plans into practice before legislation is passed.

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