
From sleeping rough to giving advice to Prince William

image source, Kensington Palace

image caption, Sabrina Cohen-Hatton went to Windsor Castle to give advice on homelessness

Sabrina Cohen-Hatton went from sleeping rough as a teenager to visiting the Prince of Wales at Windsor Castle to offer him advice on tackling homelessness.

She was able to give her own story to Prince William as proof that homeless people should not be “erased”.

“I’m standing in front of you now with a job, a house, a family and a doctorate,” said Sabrina, who works as a fire chief.

Prince William marked the first year of his Homewards project with a visit to Lambeth, south London, where he promised: “It is possible to end homelessness.”

image caption, Prince William was speaking at an event in Brixton for his Homewards campaign

The prince sent the message that there is nothing inevitable about homelessness and that it should not be normalised.

Meeting Homewards representatives in Brixton, he said: “Homelessness is a complex societal problem and one that affects the lives of far too many people in our society. However, I truly believe it can be ended.”

He spoke of the importance of “changing perspectives” about homelessness and the need to “focus on prevention rather than simply managing the crisis”.

Homewards is a five-year project based in six areas of the UK.

This includes Newport in South Wales – and as a 15- and 16-year-old, it was where Sabrina slept rough, following the death of a parent and problems at home.

Her way out was selling the Big Issue – “I credit them with saving my life” – and once she had secure accommodation she managed to get a job in the fire service, which became her career.

She used this “lived experience” to tell Prince William and the Homewards project what was needed.

“There were a lot of doors closed to me,” she said. Even when support was meant to be available, she said, in practice it could be hard for homeless people to have the confidence to access it.

Or there may be practical barriers. She said she relied on her dog, named Menace, but many hostels didn’t let people stay with pets.

Sabrina also warned that homelessness is linked to the “pernicious” long-term impact of poverty.

She went on to become West Sussex’s Chief Fire Officer and spoke at length about her own journey, including this latest role as a Homewards advocate.

Sabrina said Prince William had shown a lot of “empathy” towards the issue of homelessness, which she suggested reflected some of the “trauma” in his early life.

image caption, Prince William met Homewards representatives after the first year of the campaign

At the event in Brixton, Sabrina spoke alongside Chris Lynam, who recalled the intense “loneliness” that accompanied his own homelessness and drug addiction.

“It’s a very isolating experience… society is quite hostile to homelessness,” said Chris, who now supports Homewards’ work in Sheffield.

Prince William described it as an “honour” to hear Chris talk about his experiences.

The Homelessness Project, which operates in Aberdeen, Bournemouth, Lambeth, Newport, Sheffield and Northern Ireland, wants to find successful approaches that can be replicated elsewhere.

There are links with employers to help people find employment. A partnership with Homebase provides starter packs of furniture to help those transitioning from homelessness into accommodation.

There are efforts to identify couch surfing and address the links between relationship breakdown and homelessness.

An attempt has been made to place housing officers in schools to identify young people who may be at risk.

24 ‘fully supported’ homes for people leaving homelessness are being built across the Duchy of Cornwall – and Prince William is now involved in developing further plans.

There is a drive to change attitudes towards homelessness – and Sabrina spoke about the need to break the stigma. She said she hadn’t told anyone about her own experiences for 20 years before becoming such a public speaker on homelessness.

image source, Sean Coughlan

image caption, George Anderson says Prince William has helped more people address homelessness

Matt Downie, chief executive of Crisis, says the Homewards project can challenge the “cynicism and fatalism” that says homelessness is inevitable.

He says that while the big picture has seen homelessness getting worse, there is evidence to prevent it.

Finland is held up as an example of sustained efforts to end homelessness, with the claim that there are now only about 150 homeless families. Unlike in the UK, there are over 100,000 households classified as homeless.

There have also been questions about whether a wealthy royal should be speaking out about homelessness.

The anti-monarchy group Republic previously described her as “coarse and hypocritical”.

But George Anderson, a London-based Big Issue seller and medical researcher, welcomes Prince William’s use of his high public profile to speak out about homelessness.

“It encourages people who are far from homelessness to feel empathy and care,” says George.

“Given the pomp and ceremony surrounding his official role, it’s easy for people to wonder what he really knows about homelessness,” says George.

“I’m sure he is aware of this, also knowing that he is in a position, like his mother, to highlight homelessness to the media.

“His mother would have had a similar experience, being photographed in a tiara at a ball one day while serving soup in a homeless kitchen the next,” says George, who sees the prince’s interest as linked to that Princess Diana brings her sons to homeless charities. when they were children.

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