
Decision to be made on new Black Country mosque – and here’s what the council has to say

A decision on building a new mosque in West Bromwich will be made next week – with a council report recommending work can go ahead. The new mosque is to be built on Dartmouth Street, West Bromwich, by the Bangladesh Muslim Welfare Association.

Sandwell Council’s planning committee meets on July 24 to decide with the authority’s planning officers whether to recommend that the application be approved. The new mosque, which would be larger than the one proposed in 2011, includes a larger main hall with space for 370 worshippers, a hall with space for more than 230 people, classrooms, meeting rooms, a separate space for women’s prayer for up to 135 people. people and a morgue.

Ten objections and a petition with 38 signatures against the new mosque have been submitted to Sandwell Council. A report, outlining the planning officers’ recommendation, said: “Approval of the application would be consistent with the planning history of the site and provide a well-designed community facility without significantly impairing the amenity of the surrounding area.”

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The existing Jami Masjid and Islamic Center on the corner of Dartmouth Street and Brook Street would close to make way for the new mosque. The fenced land in Duke Street, between the existing and proposed mosques, will be cleared and turned into a nine-space car park.

An artist’s impression of the new mosque in Dartmouth Street, West Bromwich(Image: Catalyst Design)

Only sixteen parking spaces would be provided for the new mosque, with narrow Dartmouth Street, Brook Street and Duke Street mostly covered with double yellow lines and very few on-street spaces. Highways officers from Sandwell Council raised no objections. Reports on the app showed that around 425 people were now visiting the Brook Street mosque – close to the proposed maximum capacity for the new mosque – and just over a third of worshipers arrived by car or carpool.

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