
Jail for Warwickshire burglar who ignored police at least four times

A man has been jailed for 10 weeks after repeatedly breaching a criminal behavior order. The order requires Jacob Porter, 33, to stay out of an area around Long Street and Market Street in Atherstone, which was put in place following a number of shoplifting incidents.

Porter was seen on CCTV as being in those areas of the order which was issued in 2021 in May 2024 and was also seen in the area by a PCSO. He is also ordered to pay a £154 victim surcharge.

Warwickshire Police said the action reflected the “saloon of last resort” after repeated offending. On 6, 12 and 13 May 2024, Porter was witnessed by CCTV to be in areas prohibited by the order.

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On 19 May he was seen again in the area by a PCSO. Sgt Adam Skelsey from Atherstone Safer Neighborhood Team said: “Criminal behavior orders are a last chance for people who have repeatedly taken part in criminal and anti-social behavior in our public spaces.

“Porter had been warned and now faces the consequences of his actions. We hope this will provide businesses on Market Street and Long Street with a welcome respite and encourage Porter to carefully consider its next steps.”

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