
Turkish and Kurdish speaking parents in Enfield helped access advice and skills

The parenting program was developed by the Race Equality Foundation and designed to build parenting confidence and competence

SFSC award recipients (Enfield Council credit)

Parents from Enfield’s Turkish and Kurdish-speaking communities have successfully completed a 13-week program to increase their knowledge and invest time in improving their parenting skills.

The 16 parents completed the Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) programme, empowering them to access relevant parenting information, advice and support in their own language.

SFSC in Turkish was delivered specifically to reach families from the Turkish speaking community living in Enfield. After English, Turkish is the most spoken household language in the neighborhood.

SFSC is a parenting program developed by the Race Equality Foundation designed to foster the confidence and competence of parents, who in turn help their children’s well-being and success.

An awards ceremony held at Pymmes Park on July 15 recognized and rewarded these parents’ efforts and collaborative effort to reach these residents who would otherwise have been marginalized due to the language barrier.

The pilot program was a joint initiative between Enfield Council, Enfield Early Help, Edmonton Community Partnership and Minik Kardes Ltd.

Abdul Abdullahi, Enfield Council’s cabinet member for children’s services, distributed certificates and medals to parents who successfully completed the program and met the program facilitators. He said: “It was an honor to meet these hardworking parents who wanted nothing more than to grow in confidence and support their children to be happy and successful.

“Enfield Council works hard with our communities and partners to ensure families can overcome social challenges and help them learn how to access support so they can live happy and fulfilled lives and thrive in our borough. ”

There was extremely positive feedback from the participants. One parent said, “My relationships with my children are more harmonious. I try not to shout; when I get angry, I remember what our facilitator told us.

“I have attended courses before, but this course was better. It has increased my awareness and my baby is very happy.”

The program helps parents and caregivers reflect on their own experiences and how their culture and family environment has shaped their parenting style. Participants were given activities to do at home and then could share their thoughts with each other during the weekly sessions.

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