
Drivers face £500 fines for being ‘passenger responsible’

Drivers in England face tough fines for their KIDS who break the rules in cars – because parents will be ‘held to account’. Driving experts have stepped in to warn parents over a £500 fine by making a common small mistake in the middle of a big summer getaway.

Swansway Motor Group said: “Parents need to understand that drivers are responsible for ensuring that all passengers, particularly those under 14, wear a seat belt. Failure to comply can result in a whopping £500 fine for each child not wearing a seat belt.”

The experts continued: “It is important to note that children can unknowingly put themselves at risk by unbuckling their seat belts. This act of curiosity or restlessness can have serious consequences. That is why drivers and adult passengers must remain alert at all times and educate their children. passengers about the importance of wearing seat belts.

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“Before you set off, make it a non-negotiable rule that everyone, including adults, must be securely fastened in their seats.” They added: “Drivers or passengers over the age of 14 found not wearing a seat belt can face an immediate penalty of £100. In addition, it is the driver’s duty to ensure that children are provided with an appropriate car seat until they reach the age of 12 or a height of 135 cm.”

“If a child manages to unbuckle their seat belt, it is imperative that the driver find a safe place to stop immediately and remedy the situation. Under no circumstances should the journey continue until each passenger is properly insured. It’s not just about avoiding fines but ensuring the safety and well-being of all vehicle occupants.

“To help keep young passengers engaged and less likely to tamper with their seat belts, parents can bring along distractions such as toys, books or electronic devices. In cases where this is not effective, having another adult sit in the back to monitor and prevent any attempts to remove the seat belts can be a lifesaver. Remember, the safety of your passengers is always more important than any trip.

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