
Threads: Man Who Played Traffic Warden Wanted by Filmmakers

Documentary makers are trying to track down the man who played a post-apocalyptic traffic cop in the 1980s TV series Threads.

The director appeared as a cameo in the 1984 TV movie for less than 30 seconds – but his striking image was used to publicize its release.

The dystopian film explored the impact of a thermonuclear explosion on Sheffield.

Craig Ian Mann, who is working on the documentary, said he wanted to know how the man felt about the role.

“He became the iconic image of that movie,” he said.

“It was on the cover of the Radio Times, it was on the cover of every video, DVD or Blu-ray of Threads that was made.

“People actually dress up as him on Halloween,” he said.

“I went to Sheffield Horror Con at the weekend and there was someone dressed as him.

“He’s become an iconic character, and if he’s still around, I’d like to ask him if he’s aware of that and how he feels about it.”

The film, written by Kes author Barry Hines, was released at a time when nuclear war seemed a very real possibility and shocked and horrified many who saw it.

The story centered around a young couple living in South Yorkshire when a bomb exploded and showed a society falling apart as nuclear winter sets in.

In the aftermath of the explosion, a scene shows increasingly desperate people trying to find medical help or food, many of whom are sent to some tennis courts.

Mr Mann said: “Patrolling these courts is a traffic officer with a gun in his hand and we would love to be able to find him.

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