
“I’ve had health problems all my life – and it’s all because of a pill my mother took”

A Bristol woman has opened up about the health problems she has suffered throughout her life and believes they are all the result of pills her mother took when she was pregnant. Tracy Whiting, 53, from St George, said her mother was prescribed the over-the-counter hormone pregnancy test (HPT) pills when she was pregnant with her.

“At 19, I went to the doctor with some pain. I went through a scan and that’s when they found out that my left kidney had not grown,” said Tracy. “I had keyhole surgery and they found that half of my abdomen was crushed.

“And things started to come up as I got older. And I had problems with kidney pain, I had kidney stones, kidney functions, but it’s a big kidney. It gives me trouble because it’s big.”

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Tracy’s mother recalled taking the pills after reading an article about the dangers of Primodos.

“We have my mother’s medical record and it turns out she took Primodos and was given those two tablets. The doctor had told her, if you’re bleeding, you’re not pregnant. Basically, like a miscarriage. medicine to see if you are pregnant or not.

“Then it all made sense because my sister is fine. He has two kidneys. There is nothing wrong with her womb. He just didn’t have the health problems that I have. My sister is three years younger, and until my mother was pregnant with my sister, they stopped doing the Primodos tests.”

Tracy was unable to carry children due to problems with her womb. Primodos was a hormone-based pregnancy test used in the 1960s and 1970s. It was also used to treat amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation.

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