
Live: Busy Croydon road closed due to crash with south London bus diverted

A busy road is partially closed while a crash is investigated today (Friday, May 17). Mitcham Road in Croydon is closed southbound from Derby Road to Reeves Corner.

The incident happened around 9.30pm last night and left bus 264 on the diversion. The details of the incident are not yet known.

Mitcham Road is a busy road that runs between Mitcham and West Croydon and is lined with bus stops, houses and runs through Mitcham Common.

The Met Police and London Ambulance Service (LAS) have been contacted for further information.

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Where did the accident happen?

MyLondon is awaiting official confirmation from The Met, but Mitcham Road is closed between Derby Road and Reeves Corner. Mitcham Road is a busy road that runs between Mitcham and West Croydon and is lined with bus stops, houses and runs through Mitcham Common. We will share a status update once we have one.

What we know so far

Good morning and welcome to our coverage of the crash in Croydon.

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