
The hero saves a man from burning his house after seeing smoke coming from the window

A quick-thinking carpenter has been hailed a hero after his quick actions helped save an elderly resident from a house fire caused by a faulty tumble dryer. Josh Walton, 31, was on his way to work in the early hours of Thursday morning, May 16, when he encountered a disturbing scene in Whitsoncross Lane, Plymouth.

He saw smoke coming from a property and heard a woman frantically calling out for a man trapped inside. Without hesitation, Josh tried to enter the smoke-filled house to reach the man upstairs, but was pushed back by the intensity of the smoke.

Thinking on his feet, he asked a neighbor for a ladder and managed to open an upstairs window, giving the trapped man the air he needed, PlymouthLive reports.

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Firefighters from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue arrived at the scene shortly after. They praised Josh’s brave efforts, saying his intervention “saved the man’s life” and sped up their ability to ventilate the building.

Recounting the incident, Josh said: “I was on my way to work at around 6.30am and I saw a woman in the street on Whitsoncross Lane shouting at 90-year-old Arthur who had broken some glass to try and do to breathe.

“I jumped out of the van, kicked in the door to try and get to him, but the smoke was way too thick and I couldn’t see my way to the stairs. Then I had a neighbor find a ladder and we arrived. to the window he was at, I broke more of the glass so he could get some air, then I ran to my van to get a hacksaw and a battery and opened the window to try and get him.

“He was talking as we cut the window but then passed out just as the firemen arrived. They rushed to the upstairs room where he was and pulled him out. Firefighters said what we did saved the man’s life and helped them get in faster to clear the smoke. I just wish more people would check their fire alarms because the smoke was overwhelming when we got there.

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