
Cramer’s Lightning Round: PayPal is a buy

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PayPal Stock Performance YTD.

PayPal: “I’m a PayPal buyer.”

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Rivian stock’s performance so far this year.

Rivian: “Rivian has the money to be able to do this. That doesn’t mean the stock is a buy, it means they’ll make it. So I would say you have to let it seep in. But it’s not too soon.”

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Southern’s stock performance year to date.

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CVS stock performance year to date.

CVS: “I’m worried about CVS… Let’s keep it on ice for now.”

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Home Depot stock performance year to date.

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Palantir stock performance since the start of the year.

Palantir: “Palantir is a cold stock. I have nothing to say about it.”

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Annual performance of Energy Transfer stocks.

Jim Cramer’s Guide to Investing

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