
Britain’s ‘fattest city’ where most people are overweight | Great Britain | News

Wigan is of Great Britain obesity Capital with almost 40% of the city’s population considered obese, figures show. More than 70% of people in Greater Manchester are overweight, with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 25.

According to the NHS, if you have a BMI between 25 and 30, you are overweight, with anything over 30 considered obese. On average, 26% of the UK population is fatgovernment figures show.

Male life expectancy in Wiganwhich hosts the World Pie Eating Championships, is 77, nearly two years younger than the national average.

The local authority has schemes to help people lose weightincluding exercise and nutrition classes for families.

Wigan is emblematic of a wider problem, with the average weight of a man in this country increasing by one stone between 1993 and 2019 to 13.4 stone.

The average woman’s weight has risen from 10.5 stone to 11.4 stone over the same period, average NHS figures show.

Among the G7 countries, the UK has a higher adult obesity rate than France, Germany, Italy and Japan. The advertising and availability of junk food and the volume of processed food in supermarkets have been identified as fueling a crisis that is putting huge pressure on the NHS.

Researchers at the Institute for Public Policy Research cited by the Telegraph estimated the annual cost to the UK economy at £100 billion. Obesity has also been blamed in part for Britain’s unemployment problem.

Sophie Metcalfe from the Institute for Government said Telegraph although not all of Britain’s economic inactivity is due to obesity, it is certainly true that if a country has a higher obese population, more people will be ill in the long term and unable to work.

The government says it is taking “strong action” to tackle obesity, including introducing a tax on the soft drinks industry which it says has removed the equivalent of more than 45,000 tonnes of sugar from soft drinks since it was introduced.

Among the measures taken are calorie labelling, £600 million in funding for children’s sport and new weight loss drugs on the NHS.

Myths still remain about obesity and whether it is a disease or self-inflicted. A recent survey by medically assisted weight loss digital healthcare provider Yazen Health found that over a third of Brits (37 per cent) believe obesity is a lifestyle choice rather than a disease.

They also believe the main barriers to maintaining a healthy weight include motivation (45%), laziness (43%) and personal choice (33%) or genetics (33%).

But health professionals disagree and believe that obesity is a disease, an abnormal condition that adversely affects the normal functioning of the body and health.

Meanwhile, researchers recently suggested that the threshold for detecting obesity should be lowered for middle-aged and older people.

One study found that changes in body composition later in life could lead to people who have a higher level of body fat having a lower BMI. But researchers said lowering that threshold could detect more people who are at risk of developing obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon, included 4,800 Italian adults between the ages of 40 and 80.

The group was classified according to the current BMI standards of the World Health Organization. Like the NHS, the WHO classifies people with a BMI of 30 or more as obese.

About 1,087 were of normal weight; 1,826 were overweight with a BMI greater than 25 and 1,887 were obese with a BMI of 30 or greater. Using a body scanner, the researchers re-classified people by age and body fat percentage.

They found that the proportion of people classified as obese in the group increased when body fat percentage was taken into account. About 38% of men and 40% of women in the study had a BMI of 30 or more according to WHO standards.

When body fat percentage was taken into account, it rose to 71% of men and 64% of women.

The analysis suggested that the ideal BMI cut-off point for obesity in older adults was 27, with an accuracy rate of 90%. However, the researchers pointed out the limitations of the study, which was presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Venice.

It took place in an area of ​​Italy, and factors such as eating habits, exercise and sleep patterns were not taken into account.

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