
Asian wasp invasion alert amid reporting order when people told them how to spot them

An Asian wasp alert has been issued for the UK and there is new advice on what to do if you see one. Recent flooding and rising temperatures have increased the risk of an invasion, says the Wildlife and Countryside Link (WCL).

People are being told to be “increasingly vigilant” and report any sightings as we move into the peak summer season. The Asian hornet is smaller than a native hornet—and can be devastating.

They pose no greater risk to human health than native wasps and wasps, but can cause serious problems for honey bees and insect pollinators. The warning comes after a record number of Asian wasps were found in Britain in 2023.

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They can be identified by their very dark body. They have a broad orange stripe on the fourth section of the abdomen and yellow tips of the legs.

Richard Benwell, chief executive of WCL, said: “Invasive species are already one of the biggest threats to the UK’s environment, from choking waterways to out-competing native species. They also cause billions of pounds of damage a year to homes and businesses and even pose risks to human health.”

He continued: “Investment in a fully funded inspectorate and a strong invasive species strategy could help halt nature’s decline and create a more resilient economy.” Weather conditions over the winter have left some trusts “struggling to keep up with a tide of invasive species”. away’, as wet weather hampers their efforts, said Dr Rob Collins, Director of Policy and Science at The Rivers Trust.

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