
Planning: The tire shop will be converted into an indoor leisure centre

Every week, hundreds of planning applications come before Cornwall Council’s planning department, trying to get approval for different plans right across the Duchy.

These plans can cover a number of different considerations – from permission to replace windows or listed building approval, to large building developments or changing the use of a building, for example from an office to a cafe or flats.

Within this large and often complex system, there are a number of formats in which planning advice and approval can be sought.

These range from full applications where all the details comprising a proposed development or work to a building are submitted, to reference applications where further details have yet to be confirmed, for example a general application with matters reserved for aspect may not confirm the final proposed development, but rather seek permission in principle.

An example of this is one for outline permission for 20 dwellings on land with matters reserved for layout and scale; reserved matters would require additional permission later for their inclusion.

Other types of applications include requests for pre-application advice, where potential developers often send outline proposals to a local authority to ascertain whether or not they are likely to get support before submitting a planning application.

The vast majority of applications are decided by planning officers employed by a local authority with ‘delegated powers’, meaning they do so on behalf of their employer, however, some applications are ‘called in’ by local councilors to be discussed at a strategic area. planning committee meeting, meaning the final decision rests with a committee of advisors.

The barn is the subject of a rejected planning application.  (Image: Cornwall Council)

The barn is the subject of a rejected planning application. (Image: Cornwall Council) (Cornwall Council)

The conversion of a barn into a home was refused

PA24/01102: Conversion and change of use of a barn to a dwelling, including demolishing part and erecting an extension within the footprint of the demolished farm feature refused.

Devon and Cornwall Logs Limited applied to the local authority for the works at Great Lanhargy Farm, Bray Shop.

In an accompanying design and access statement, the applicant said: “The proposal is an application for the conversion/change of use of a barn to a dwelling, including demolishing part and erecting an extension within the footprint of the demolished element.

“A previous proposal to change the use of this barn was refused for various alleged reasons regarding the proposal and concern about the introduction of a proposed new road, reference PA23/06090.

“The current proposal focuses on retaining and transforming the traditional stone element of the barn and adding a modest extension via a linked passage within the footprint of the demolished section. Materials will be local natural stone and natural slate to match the existing building. The existing facility will be used for access.

“The current barn is a mixed-rise building, part stone and part concrete block mix with fiber cement cladding, both elements having a fiber cement roof. The building was used for agricultural storage.

The barn is one of a number of barns in Great Lanhargy, a large one of which has recently been granted planning permission for conversion into five dwellings under PA23/04345.”

Linkinhorne Parish Council had no objection to the plans, stating in its response: “PA24/01102 Great Lanhargy Farm, Bray Shop, Cornwall, PL17 8QJ – Conversion/change of use of barn to a dwelling, including demolition of part and erection of extension. in the footprint of the demolished element – this was a slight change to the application, keeping the older building, tearing down the older metal building and replacing with stone. – Linkinhorne Parish Council had no objection, one councilor abstained.”

In an accompanying report by planning officers, the proposed work was described as follows: “Therefore, although it is considered that there may be potential for the conversion of this stone feature of the barn, it is considered that the proposed conversion works, together with proposed. the expansion of the new construction, which would follow and the demolition of a large aspect of the barn, would result in substantial reconstruction operations. Accordingly, it is considered that the proposal would be more akin to a rebuild rather than a conversion of an existing building as policy seven provides.

“Furthermore, one must also consider whether the building is suitable for preservation. Paragraph 2.33 of the supporting text of the Local Plan indicates that the suitability of buildings for conversion will depend on their scale and method of construction, structural soundness and the ability to convert the building without the need for substantial demolition or substantial reconstruction operations. The building itself is very utilitarian in form and appearance, compromising a large block and fiber cement clad building with a small stone-built appearance adjacent to it.

“It is not felt that the fiber cement and block clad appearance of the building has any particular architectural merit, however it is felt that there is some architectural merit in the historic barn stone element of the building. It is considered that the stone element of the building can provide a positive contribution to the wider landscape, but this is limited given the fiber cement and larger scale block aspect with which this stone element adjoins. It is concluded that the stone barn is suitable to be retained, however, due to the inadequate design of the extension, any benefits of retaining this element would be lost by the proposal.”

It was refused by Cornwall Council on these grounds, with the authority telling the applicant: “The proposal, due to its size, design and significant amount of new built form, would detract from the original proportions and simple form of this historic stone building. , almost doubling the building’s footprint. The proposed conversion scheme together with its extension would introduce domestic style openings and a more domestic form resulting in loss of barn character. As such, the proposal would not represent a real transformation of the building and would not result in an improvement to the site and its immediate amenity.

“Therefore, in the absence of any special circumstances to justify it, the proposal represents an unsustainable and harmful form of residential development in the countryside and with no other material considerations to outweigh such harm, the proposal is contrary to the policies of the Linkinhorne Neighborhood Plan. , Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 – 2030 (adopted 22 November 2016) and paragraphs of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023.”

Approval for change of use

PA24/01433: Proposals for a change of use from a Class B to a Class E for a tire socket have been approved by Cornwall Council.

Ms Rachael Colton, on behalf of Zero Gravity Know No Limits Limited, applied to the local authority to change the use of the building at Unit 10 Edgcumbe Trade Park, Tamar View Industrial Estate, Edgcumbe Road, Carkeel.

They are looking to change the use to a Class E building, namely for indoor sports and leisure.

Cornwall Council gave approval with one condition: ‘The premises will be used only for indoor sports/recreation E(d) and for no other purpose (including any other class E purpose of the Town and Country Development Program (classes of use ).) Order 1987 (as amended) or in any provision of that class in any statutory instrument revoking or reactivating that order with or without amendment).

“Reason: To control the future use of the building and to protect the vitality and viability of the town center in line with the policies of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030.”

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