
A decision on the location of the Travelers was deferred over the claims of the existing tenant on the land

A decision on plans for mobile homes and caravan sites in a paddock on a ‘dangerous’ stretch of Leicestershire road has been delayed after claims by an existing tenant on the land that he could need up to two years’ notice to To leave. Applicant Thomas Maughan wants to build two gypsy and traveler pitches, a utility block and a sewage treatment plant on land off the A52 near the village of Easthorpe, close to Bottesford.

But during a meeting of Melton Borough Council’s planning committee, councilors heard there was an agricultural tenant based on the land and that the claimant, Mr Maughan, had previously been ordered by a court to vacate the site. Ben Wills, of 360 Rural, speaking for opponents of the scheme, argued that the existing tenant had been using the land for years.

He said the plaintiff was previously removed from the land following a court order, which also allowed the tenant to return to the land. Mr Wills called the council’s recommendation to approve the current application a “perverse situation”, adding: “The agricultural tenant was not given adequate notice and evidence has been provided to Melton Borough Council by various parties to confirm this.”

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The plan received nine objections from members of the public, with many concerned about the impact of a new access off the A52. One told the council: “I can’t object strongly enough. In fact, I don’t think you could even consider this app. We are talking about one of the most dangerous stretches of road in Leicestershire. There have already been three accidents this year at this location, one fatal.”

During the meeting, Councilor Marilyn Gordon revealed that an accident had occurred while members of the planning committee were visiting the site, adding: “The police were there and everything.”

But a supporter of the scheme wrote to the council, saying: “I think it’s nice to see a fixed site for those people. I mean everyone has the right to have a proper, stable home and I think this would fit perfectly in the village. I mean, I saw the site and you wouldn’t even know (it was) there to be quite honest and sincere.”

While a travel liaison officer from Leicestershire County Council said the family needed a “stable and safe home”. “The family has not had a permanent home for many years and has traveled a lot, living on the side of the road and occasionally staying with family and friends,” they said. “It became apparent that the family needed a secure and stable base to access education. for children and health care facilities for the whole family.”

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