
May: Message from the Vice-Chancellor | News and features

You may know that a group of students are currently occupying the grassy area opposite the Senate House as a form of protest against the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. It follows similar protests at universities in the UK and US in recent weeks. Our security services work hard to make sure everyone feels safe on campus.

We understand that the ongoing conflict has impacted and continues to impact our university community. Whatever our individual views, it is more important than ever that we uphold our shared values ​​of mutual respect, support and compassion. Every member of our community should feel confident and safe on our campuses. We ask that everyone respect and support each other at this time.

Important principles of free speech and academic freedom are at the heart of our university mission. We encourage and support everyone’s right to express themselves freely and to engage in peaceful and lawful protest in accordance with our agreed protocols. These principles apply, even when there are very different and divergent opinions. While we uphold these fundamental freedoms, we also have a responsibility to intervene when an activity impedes the learning or expression of others’ views or significantly disrupts the University’s operation or the safety of individuals.

I want to emphasize that, in this context, statements or actions that violate the law are completely unacceptable. We will not tolerate any form of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, discrimination, incitement, intimidation or harassment at our University. We will respond firmly if this happens.

I have received messages from and had many conversations over the past year with student and staff groups, some of whom have called for the University to take an institutional position on the ongoing conflict. I understand this request and appreciate that many in our community feel deeply about this situation. Our principles of free speech and academic freedom require us to remain impartial as an institution. Taking a position or stance on this or any other conflict may inhibit members of our community who wish to speak their mind. I know this is difficult and sometimes uncomfortable, especially when there are strong feelings, hopes and expectations about geopolitical issues. I must emphasize that as a university our role is to allow staff and students to express themselves freely, not to become an advocate for one view or another.

In my discussions, I have been clear that our work as a university is to support all those affected by the conflict and that I will no longer make public statements regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict. I am committed to ensuring that members of our community are able to express themselves legally and hopefully come to understand each other’s points of view. We will continue to share information on how to get help and support where needed.

The termination of partnerships with companies involved in the defense sector was also discussed in my conversations. Our current investment policy can be found here. In terms of partnerships, we live in a complex and increasingly insecure world, with wars going on in Ukraine and elsewhere, as well as in Israel-Gaza. When discussing our partnerships, we want to be open about who we work with and why. We will explore this at our June Senate meeting and we welcome your views through your Senate representatives.

Thank you for all you do to create a community of respectful debate where it is possible for all students and staff to express their views and listen to those of others.

Professor Evelyn Welch

vice chancellor and president

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