
Mighty Hoopla is confirmed as ON this weekend, June 1-2, 2024

Given the massive damage to the park during Bank Holiday Monday’s City Splash event, there were real fears that this weekend’s popular Mighty Hoopla festival would be cancelled.

However, organizers have just confirmed that the event will take place on Saturday and Sunday (1/2 June 2024).

The Mighty Hoopla recommends that people still wear sturdy boots, sandals and similar footwear to the event.

A contributor on the Brixton forum reposted this message from Brockwell Live detailing what measures have been taken since Monday:

The Brockwell Live team have invested in a number of different products which are designed to protect the ground conditions and prevent damage to the park’s grass surface. In total we have now installed 20,000 sq ft of these different products which include;

Pedestrian crossing panels, which are laid in a grid formation, in key high-foot areas to prevent over-wear on the ground below.

Terram tiles, which again act as a barrier between heavy tread and soft ground conditions. This prevents heavy disturbance of the soil below the surface, which protects the root bed of the grass below as it prevents any potential agitation.

It also helps prevent excessive water infiltration into the soil.

TuffTrack panels on main thoroughfares and key routes on the site, which is vehicle friendly, to avoid vehicles driving on the grass, essential to mitigate ruts.

Wood chips, with a bottom layer of terram, ensuring that the wood chip can be easily dug from the surface as it does not come into direct contact with the soil.

Laying protective flooring over the softer areas of the soil protects against overturning, which ensures that the grass and its roots are not damaged by heavy walking. Of course, it has the added benefit of making the surface more pedestrian-friendly.

Terram is a brand name (similar to Dyson or Hoover) and is not a specific product. The type we use is designed to create a stable layer over soft soil foundations.

Although it is noted that these materials are sometimes used to kill weeds, it is important to remember that grass is an incredibly robust plant and it would take about 6-8 weeks for it to die beyond repair.

We work closely with Lambeth Landscaping teams who are experts in the protection and maintenance of green spaces and have confirmed that they are happy with the products we use.

Following the events, an extensive set of restoration works will take place in the park to help support the recovery of any damaged land.

These could include light chain harrowing, spring harrowing and reseeding in places, although this full assessment and list of requirements is yet to be confirmed as we will be establishing this in the coming days and weeks.

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