
Petition against new children’s home called ‘cruel’ as readers say ‘all children deserve care’

A new children’s home has been given the go-ahead in Coventry despite concerns from local residents. A semi-detached property on Daventry Road, Cheylesmore, is to be converted into a residence for four children. The council granted permission for the conversion on Wednesday, May 29, following a council vote last week that approved the project. Coventry Live readers have had their say in our comments section.

The council’s decision followed a petition signed by more than 100 people calling for the proposed plans to be rejected. At a recent meeting, a number of residents voiced their objections, citing potential problems such as anti-social behaviour, disturbances and problems with traffic and parking.

However, an agent for the applicant hit back, saying: “The children who will be living in the home need a safe and secure community and should not automatically be considered a threat.” Cllr Kevin Maton went on to say he found it “difficult” to see how it was any different to anyone else who wanted to live in a house. He said the key point was how it would work, adding that it was “very well regulated”.

Read more: Coventry homes closed after ‘persistent anti-social behavior and drug dealing’

Deleteme’s comment reads: “Just have a lot of sympathy for the semi next door, that house has become close to unsaleable. Didn’t they consider their feelings about it?”

But reader Bobinder says, “Really? I would consider it an honor to have spaces for the less fortunate of society at my doorstep and community. The ‘semi-affluents’ in the surrounding areas must understand that social services and care should be borne by all social classes.”

Ccfc1 says: “I guess the locals would be happy for the care home to be in a different area! These children are in care, generally through no fault of their own. Cut them down a bit!

Tommann says, “I don’t live close to home, so please give the NIMBY requests a rest. The proposed children’s home will be a place of care and a place of work (for those who take care of the children). It was previously stated that staff will be on site 24/7, meaning 3 shifts of workers will come and go throughout the day and night. there will also be visits from social workers, estranged parents, lawyers and the usual domestic movements associated with 4 children (going to school etc.). The suggestion that the comings and goings will be ‘no more than an ordinary family home’ is a patently untrue statement by the applicant’s agent and the application should be refused on that ground alone.”

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