
Hidden challenges of tooth loss and dentures revealed in new study | News

The hidden challenges facing people with tooth loss and dentures have been identified by new research from the University of Sheffield.

  • A new study from the University of Sheffield has revealed the hidden emotional challenges patients go through after tooth loss.
  • Patients report feelings of self-consciousness, shame or fear, as well as physical sensations such as pain and tenderness and concerns about how tooth loss might affect their lives
  • About 10 to 15% of the population wears removable dentures, which can have a significant impact on daily life and social interactions, leading to a “hidden disability” for some wearers.
  • Other restorative treatments such as bridges and implants are often unaffordable for most people due to the high cost and availability of NHS dentists
  • The research describes a new way of understanding how patients experience getting dentures, from losing teeth to feeling comfortable with them. This approach could help dentists develop better treatment and aftercare plans for patients who need dentures.

The hidden challenges facing people with tooth loss and dentures have been identified by new research from the University of Sheffield.

Improvements in dental care, more people living longer, and the social value placed on having a healthy smile have led to people keeping their teeth longer, but also to an increasing number of people needing some kind of restoration work, including crowns, bridges. and implants.

Many of these treatments remain unattainable for most people due to the availability of NHS dentists and the high cost of private dental work. Removable dentures are often the only viable option for anyone experiencing tooth loss, with around 10 to 15% of the population wearing them.

A new study by researchers from the Healthy Life Span Institute at the University of Sheffield and the School of Clinical Dentistry has highlighted the emotional struggles and hidden challenges patients face when getting their dentures fitted. This is the first study to highlight the patient journey and how this experience can affect overall treatment success.

The study found that patients think about their denture journey in four stages:

  • Tooth loss: This is the initial stage where patients experience physical tooth loss.
  • The Emotional Tunnel: This stage focuses on the emotional rollercoaster of tooth loss. Patients experience self-consciousness, depression and struggle with dentures. They may feel shame, anger or fear, but also hope.
  • Prosthetic Hope: This stage represents the hope and optimism that patients feel when getting dentures. They could anticipate regaining their smile and ability to eat normally.
  • Prosthetic compromise leading to disclosure management: This final stage recognizes that dentures take some time to get used to. Patients may need to adjust their expectations and learn how to manage speaking and eating with dentures. They may also develop strategies to feel comfortable disclosing their denture use to others.

These feelings and how dentists understand and manage them can influence patient outcomes. A dentist’s empathy during this adjustment period is crucial for successful denture use and better patient outcomes.

The study also identified that wearing removable dentures can be a hidden disability for many. People with dentures feel they have to hide them because of embarrassment or worry that they will fall out. Some patients also avoided social situations

Lead researcher Barry Gibson, professor of medical sociology at the University of Sheffield, said “Losing teeth can be extremely traumatic and this study found just how difficult it is for people who need partial dentures. Feelings such as embarrassment or shame can significantly affect the process of making and fitting dentures. Additionally, if they don’t fit properly, it can make everyday activities such as talking, eating and drinking difficult, affecting a person’s quality of life. The impact can be so dramatic that it can affect their confidence to leave the house. This can have a devastating and lasting impact.

“Understanding the emotional difficulties identified in the study will help dentists improve their care for denture patients and lead to a more successful and better experience for everyone.”

The research team collaborated with local Sheffield artist Gina Allen to create a piece of art to reflect the different emotional journeys of prosthetic wearers.

The image is a collage that illustrates the kind of journeys patients take from tooth loss to life with a denture. Use color to describe the emotional nature of the journey and demonstrate that all patients have a unique journey and outcome from the experience. One patient, a young woman, has a successful outcome; a middle-aged man is fine, but a bit “Meh!” An elderly woman continues to struggle to cope with aspects of adjusting to her prosthesis.

said artist Gina Allen “I am a visual artist with a scientific background and a particular interest in how art can help explore and interpret data, often around social and environmental themes. I found there was such a depth and variety of individual experiences captured by the research team in this project, so it was a really interesting challenge to be involved in, trying to use the visual parameters of an artwork to convey part of it. in an engaging and meaningful way.”

This collaboration influenced the development of a new patient questionnaire designed to:

  • Identify individual needs: tailor care to the patient’s specific experiences.
  • Improve communication: Allow dentists and patients to have open conversations about dentures.
  • Trigger Tracking: Identify patients who may need additional support.

In addition to identifying the emotional challenges patients face, the study also highlights the need for a clinical care pathway to improve patient support, focus on improving denture fit, educate patients on denture care, and combat the shame and stigma associated with wearing dentures.

Mr Bilal El-Dhuwaib, Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Sheffield, said: “This study is important because it goes beyond the typical number-based approach to dentistry by looking at crucial aspects of the emotions and lived experiences of patients. By understanding the psychological and social impact of tooth loss and replacement, the research provides a valuable toolkit for me and fellow dentists to better understand and address the emotional situations patients navigate during this process. By equipping dentists with the tools to understand these challenges, we can create a more compassionate and effective approach to tooth replacement.”

The research team is seeking additional funding to validate the questionnaire and develop a comprehensive clinical pathway for denture care. This pathway aims to improve patient outcomes and address the hidden struggles faced by denture wearers.

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