
Inexplicable rain of apples falls from the sky over the city

More than 100 apples mysteriously rained down on a small British town on Monday night. The still-unexplained fall of apples left 20 meters of city streets and car windscreens covered in the cascading fruit just after the daily rush hour.

The news immediately drew comparisons to biblical stories about raining frogs and whether such freaks of nature really did occur. In this case, no one has officially confirmed when, how, or if the apple storm actually happened as described.

However, Jim Dale, a senior meteorologist at the British Weather Services, told the London Telegraph: “The weather we have at the moment is very volatile and we probably have some work to do. Essentially these events are caused by a vortex of air, sort of like a mini tornado, it lifts things off the ground into the atmosphere until the air around them causes them to fall back to earth.”

Dr Lisa Jardine-Wright, a physicist at the Cavendish Laboratory based at Cambridge University, told the BBC: ‘Cars and houses have been swept away by tornadoes, so apples are well within the realms of possibility. A tornado that has passed through an Orchard will be strong enough to “suck up” small objects such as a vacuum cleaner (vacuum cleaner).

However, witnesses report that the weather in Coundon in Coventry was reported to be stable and calm at the time of the alleged apple rain. Coventry residents have offered several competing explanations for the event, including a passing plane, some traveling teenage pranksters and, yes, witches.

But whatever the final explanation, the apple storm is no stranger to other confirmed, highly unusual forms of precipitation. The BBC provides a list of pertinent examples:

Frog falls were recorded in Llanddewi, Powys, in 1996 and two years later in Croydon, south London. In 2000, hundreds of dead silver sprats fell from the sky during a storm in the seaside resort of Great Yarmouth.

There were also worms – in Acapulco in 1967 and during a yachting event at the 1976 Olympics.

On the variable scale of inconvenience, an apple storm seems tastier than maggots. Although, depending on the condition of the apples, some areas may have experienced both types of unusual rainfall simultaneously.

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