
Top ten UK cities worst affected by hay fever revealed – is your area on the list?

Britons suffering badly from hay fever can find out which cities are worst affected – and where their location ranks on the list.

New data has revealed the places where people are suffering from hay fever the most and taking the top spot is Bolton, while Croydon in south London and Manchester then come in second and third respectively. And at the other end of the scale, Oxford was crowned the least allergy-prone city, with an average monthly search volume of 151 per 100,000 people, followed by Derby and Kingston upon Hull.

The research examined average monthly search volumes for a list of key terms related to hay fever – including but not limited to “antihistamine tablets” and “hay fever cough” – to determine the cities most likely to suffer of seasonal allergies. Bolton is the city most prone to hay fever, with a combined average monthly search volume of 1,507 per 100,000 people.

“Antihistamine” is the most popular term with 223 average monthly searches, followed by “cetirizine” and “pollen count”, according to the study by thermal imaging experts Croydon comes second with an average monthly search volume of 1,301 per 100,000 people. “Loratadine” is the third most used term with 140 average monthly searches, after “cetirizine” and “antihistamine”.

In third place is Manchester; “pollen count” is the most searched term in the city, with an average of 201 monthly searches, followed by “antihistamine” and “hay fever”. And it has an average monthly search volume of 1,227 per 100,000 people. According to the study, Lincoln is the fourth most likely city to suffer from allergies, with an average of 1,217 monthly searches per 100,000 people. The third most searched term on Google in the city is “hay fever symptoms”, with 132 average monthly searches, after “pollen count” and after “antihistamine”.

Next, with 1,110 average monthly searches, is Peterborough. The second most searched term is the antihistamine “cetirizine”, with 135 average monthly searches; “Hay fever and ‘antihistamine’ symptoms come third and first, respectively.

Most hay fever-prone cities (searches per 100,000 people)

  1. Bolton 1,507
  2. Croydon 1,301
  3. Manchester 1,227
  4. Lincoln 1,217
  5. Peterborough 1,110
  6. Bathroom 1,067
  7. Leeds 1,041
  8. Bristol 1,033
  9. Wakefield 1,028
  10. Salford 1,006

In sixth place, the most searched term in Bath is ‘pollen count’, with 121 average monthly searches, after ‘cetirizine’ and ‘antihistamine’. The city, located in the west of England, has an average monthly search volume of 1,067 searches per 100,000.

Leeds is the seventh most likely city to suffer from allergies. According to the study, the city averages 1,041 allergy-related searches per month per 100,000 people. “Hay fever” is the third most searched term on Google, with an average of 112 monthly searches, along with “cetirizine” and “antihistamine”.

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