
Dentist issues warning about popular health drink ‘harming teeth’

A dentist has warned against a popular health drink that many people think is good for them but could be damaging their teeth. Lemon water, often praised for its detoxifying properties and vitamin C content, is widely consumed by health enthusiasts and social media influencers.

But Dr Andrej Bozic, oral surgeon at Dentum, said the high acidity of lemon water poses a significant risk to dental health.

Dr Bozic said: “Lemon juice has a pH level of around 2, which is very acidic. This acidity can erode the enamel of your teeth, which is the hard, protective outer layer.”

Enamel erosion is irreversible and can lead to a number of dental problems, including tooth decay and increased sensitivity.

Dr Bozic said: “Once enamel is worn away, it does not grow back. Your teeth become more vulnerable to decay and damage.”

The enamel on the teeth acts as a shield against bacteria and harmful substances. When it erodes, the softer, more vulnerable layer underneath, known as dentin, is exposed. This can lead to:

Increased sensitivity “People often experience increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks when their enamel is eroded,” said Dr. Bozic.

Greater risk of cavities : “With less protection, your teeth are more susceptible to decay,” he added.

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