
Campaign to save Tudor Hall from sale to a private buyer

Barnet Museum is leading the push for a community purchase of the historic High Barnet building, local democracy reporter Grace Howarth reports.

The Tudor Hall is almost 500 years old and is in the center of High Barnet
The Tudor Hall is almost 500 years old and is in the center of High Barnet

Barnet Museum is campaigning to save the Tudor Hall – leased by Queen Elizabeth I in 1573 – from being sold to a private owner.

The historic building in High Barnet has attracted local attention since owners Barnet and Southgate College put it up for sale in December.

In May, local heritage groups led by Barnet Museum succeeded in submitting an application for the hall to gain ‘asset of community value’ (ACV) status and were subsequently able to submit an ‘expression of interest’. This means there is a six-month break on any sale to allow community groups to formulate a funding plan to bid for the hall.

Mike Noronha, a curator at the museum, said an offer of £1 million had been made by a private investor with the intention of using the hall potentially for educational purposes, in line with its previous use.

However, because the college now has to wait six months, it gives the community campaign time to raise money to bid.

Mike said: “Our first priority was that it should be kept for some community-type use and value, it should be kept in public. Barnet College said they already have a potential buyer for him.”

He explained that the museum’s plan, if successful in the bid, was to create a Wars of The Roses (WoTR) museum or center in the hall, which would be a first for England.

The proposed center would “enhance Barnet’s heritage, educational and cultural offer”, as well as recognize the Battle of Barnet, “facilitate tourist interest” and “benefit” the local economy.

Mike said the building fitted the “historical heritage narrative” of the proposal and would suit a “national and potentially international” centre.

The Barnet Society and some Hadley Wood residents and local High Barnet residents also supported the campaign.

Mike explained that the museum is planning a general meeting to help tell people what they are trying to achieve and gather support, ideas and funding.

“The more support we can get, the better,” he said.

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