
Drivers warned that certain foods could make journeys ‘feel longer’

Motorists have been warned to avoid certain foods on long journeys this summer. With summer coming, expect some long trips up and down the M5 and M6 – but don’t reach for the sugary foods.

SIXT, the car rental company, has shared some tips on what foods and drinks to avoid during a long summer road trip. While snacks are often seen as a necessity for any long journey, the energy boost they provide can be short-lived, leaving drivers feeling drained.

Sally da Silva Hancock from SIXT showed why certain foods can make a journey longer and increase the risk of driver fatigue. She explained: “Stocking up for a long road trip is an essential part of the road trip experience, however not all foods are the best to sustain you throughout the journey.

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“Foods that contain high levels of sugar can make you feel tired quite quickly, despite the initial short-term boost, making the journey seem even longer.”

To help drivers stay alert during their summer journeys, SIXT has compiled a list of foods to avoid and suggested alternatives.

For example, the company suggests avoiding chips due to their high content of refined carbohydrates, fat and salt, which can cause dehydration and lead to fatigue.

Instead, they recommend snacking on nuts like almonds and cashews or seeds, which are full of healthy nutrients and provide sustained energy.

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