
Cornwall letter to the editor, June 25, 2024

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Falsehoods as rhetoric

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Re: “Spontaneous or funded?” June 18, 2023.

While we recognize the need for everyone to have the right to an opinion, it is most important that a writer has credible information on which to base a point of view.

This comment is prompted by Voyteck Pomykalski’s statement in which he provides questionable sources of information and incorrect facts.

He cites Unherd and the Washington Free Bacon as sources of information—really obscure sources of information for the general public. Pomykalski then goes on to incorrectly state “the annexation of Palestine by the United Nations . . .”

All this false information is a partisan attempt to poison the work of the current government. Let me quote two different perspectives; former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in a speech at the first Atlantic Economic Forum in June 2023, praised the work of the current federal government.

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The Washington Post also praised the good work of the current federal government.

Let’s provide some real information about Israel.

The division of the Turkish Empire began, under the League of Nations, since the end of the First World War. The League of Nations was dissolved, to be replaced by the United Nations (UN), because the League of Nations failed to stop World War II.

At this point, I ask if the UN has done any better, given the wars in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan.

In those days, the main allied powers of the League of Nations were Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and they established a “compulsory” – with the United States as observers. This Mandate, as it was called, was responsible for implementing the declaration originally made in November 1917 by the British Government, adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

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This is just a brief explanation.

Since then, there have been conflicts where each side pressured the other. The Arabs, through their elected government, fought even though their government was declared a terrorist organization. Israel fought back and their government was not declared a terrorist organization.

People around the globe are starting to see both sides of the coin.

Pomykalski should take note: the rhetoric of those dedicated to destroying the current federal government should not resort to lies. No government, no person can ever make everything right.

The peace-loving nations of the world are trying. Oh, how they are trying to bring peace to the Middle East. Logically, a two-state solution would allow both Arabs and Jews to establish their own territories – but guess who opposes such a solution?

The problem is that we have a weak international body, the UN. The UN has no teeth because certain nations have veto power. A properly functioning world organization would be made up of nations, from all over the world, all having equal power – no matter how big or small.

Such a world power could be armed with a military force of all nations, with the power to intervene when hostilities develop.

This might be the only peace format that has a chance of succeeding!

John E. Milnes


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