
Candidate Statement: Steve Parsons – Barnet Post

Green Party candidate for Finchley and Golders Green

Steve Parsons, Green Party candidate for Finchley and Golders Green
Steve Parsons, Green Party candidate for Finchley and Golders Green

I have lived in Finchley and Golders Green for 21 years. My three children were raised here and I feel extremely lucky to have grown up in a wonderfully diverse area with so many dynamic and socially responsible communities.

In addition to my day job, I volunteer for a food bank and am a primary school reading assistant in the local area. I have become inspired to be more politically active as a member of the Green Party because of the looming crises we all face. Inaction is no longer an option. We urgently need a change in the political landscape.

The Greens were the first party to fully understand the need to confront the climate challenges ahead. We cannot afford to avoid them. We appreciate the need to work positively, resetting the negativity projected by the main political parties. We must work together constructively across the political spectrum to enact sustainable, enlightened change, bringing corporations and the public with us.

The Green Party is not just a single problem group. We want to help establish a more equal, more fairly taxed society. We want a properly elected parliament that works towards consensus, not constant confrontation, a chamber that serves communities before corporations. We want to make full use of the talent and expertise that exists in this country to ensure that future generations enjoy lifestyles that more closely match our own while living within the limits of this planet.

You can read an overview of the contest here and statements from six of the other candidates as follows: Alex Deane – Conservative, Brendan Donnelly – Re-enter the EU, Sarah Hoyle – Liberal Democrats, Katharine Murphy – Women’s Party, Bepi Pezzulli – Reform UK and Sarah Sackman – Work.

Barnett Post reached out to independent candidate Michael Shad for a statement, but did not receive one.

Note: The Barnet Post approached all candidates for the borough seats and gave them the opportunity to make a 250 word statement. The purpose of these statements is to give voters the clearest possible understanding of the prospects of the people they are asking for their support. In doing so, we acknowledge that some views have caused me offense and upset, and we apologize if this is the case.

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