
The Blog & Bugle Art Show opens today

fantasy text advertising art exhibition

The fifth annual Brixton Blog & Bugle Summer Art Exhibition opens in Brixton Library in Windrush Square today (Monday 1 July) at 1pm and runs until 25 July.

This year’s exhibition continues to expand both the number and quality of entries and the number of people taking part in the popular vote which chooses Brixton’s favorite artwork.

Some 210 people voted for 39 exhibits in the 2019 exhibition, while last year 1060 voted for 73 works chosen from a significantly larger entry.

And the only way to vote is to visit the library and look at the entries before choosing up to five of them on a physical ballot.

All participating artists must live in Brixton or a short bus journey away.

The judges – Blog & Bugle arts editor Leslie Manasseh, Brixton Project’s Binki Taylor and the library’s Rosella Black – chose from the greatest entry to date. which works made the cut to fit on the limited wall space available.

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