
March 2024 — Sheffield Cathedral

The Chapter was informed of Jack Cooper’s resignation from the Chapter and a date was agreed upon to celebrate with Jack.

Issues encountered and review of the action log

Office space was discussed by the chapter with concern noted about the current lack of adequate space for staff to work within. The action log has been thoroughly reviewed, with Jason providing updates for each item. The current arrangements for the senior management team were also discussed.


The Cathedral Treasurer gave the Chapter a brief summary of the January management accounts for Chapter and Enterprise.

Dean’s report

Dean Abi provided a verbal summary of her written report and the Chapter was able to explore this in detail. Staff introductions were discussed and the need to continue revising them and including chapter members in them was identified.

Canon missionary’s report

rev. Canon Justin Dodd summarized for the Chapter his plans to have a Curate join the team and also a self-supporting Ordinand. The chapter was also informed about the ongoing work with the diocese regarding a triennial funding tender and the work being done around young adults and the evening Eucharist.

Dwellings of the clergy

It was discussed about the offers that are being made regarding the clergy houses for sale.

Safeguard report

Dean Abi spoke through her written report and updated the chapter that she has taken on the role of Chapter Safeguarding Leader. It was also confirmed that Angela Rees is now the Congregational Protection Solicitor.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 15, 2024

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