
Laughter heals; It can’t hurt

I recently saw a video by comedian/activist Dick Gregory talking about how powerful laughter can be in your health and healing journey. He talked – and I’m paraphrasing here – about how laughter releases a substance in your body that facilitates healing.

And he mentioned that the opposite is also true.

Frowning as part of an anger response, according to Gregory, could release adverse health effects in your body. Well my spider senses started tingling and I had to look it up myself. And you know what? The good Dr. Gregory was absolutely right.

Research shows that laughter relieves stress, improves mood, relieves pain, and helps boost immunity, among other things. And research also shows that it can help cure more serious illnesses. That was all I needed to hear.

We all lead busy lives, but this is our reminder to find time to laugh this season. (Adobe Stock)

Talk about an easy cure for an everyday ailment or mental illness like depression. God friends. Can you imagine what would happen if we included more laughter in our lives?

Now, here’s the balance on that. I’m not saying give up medicine or the doctor. Please continue with your doctor visits and prescribed medications. But why not make this adjustment?

So with that in mind, when was the last time you laughed with your friends, saw a great comedy, or incorporated a day of childish play and inspiration?

As I write this column, I am reminded of a weekly meeting I attend. And while we make sure to go about our business at hand, it ends with lots of jokes, laughter, and trash talk (in the funnest sense imaginable).

I remember laughing so hard at some of the jokes we shared in that meeting. But really, who knew this was healing?

Maybe we did it subliminally because no matter what we have to do, our team is working to make this meeting happen. And we all play off each other, with comedic timing rivaling that of a well-produced show. But in all seriousness, what if we remembered to bring this lightness to all our endeavors?

And instead of being so hard on class clown teachers and employers, maybe we understand that this is truly a gift from God to bring healing to our stressful world? And I am so serious about that statement.

We all lead busy lives, but this is our reminder to find time to laugh this season. You literally heal your core when you do it. But don’t take my word for it, research the health benefits of laughter.

LOL (just because)! Your body and mind will thank you.

As always, remember I’m rooting for you and wishing us a healthy dose of laughter over the summer and beyond.

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