

It’s probably been about 6 or 7 years since I’ve been aware of Calva Louise and in all that time I’ve only managed to catch them 3 times, not because I didn’t think they were worth it, but because they have an uncanny talent. to announce dates that clash with bands, I already have tickets for which often started to seem personal.

During those years, as Jess and the boys grew up, they found their way and a sound that got harder and harder with each release leading up to their current album, last year’s Over The Threshold, which sometimes brought them to the limit of death metal. Tonight he brings them to The Key Club, which is one of my favorite dive bars, not just in Leeds, but that I’ve ever been to – it’s got just the right amount of grime to feel totally authentic without making you skin to crawl.

Rarely loves:

Unfortunately I was let down by the opening act, the songs were pretty decent and they performed well but the delivery just wasn’t interested. Having a guitarist with his back to the audience all the time is bad enough, but when frontman Corntney Levitt spends most of his time doing the same thing or staring at the stage, you have to wonder what’s going on. Her performance also bordered on theatrical at times, rolling on the floor and throwing water in the air, not sure if that’s a confidence thing or deliberate, but when you’re screaming anger, it’s definitely always better to direct it at crowd.

Bobby Wolfgang:

The exact opposite happens with the second bracket, first of all, cheers because the biggest setup for a bracket in a small place goes to these guys! An insane amount of kit for a 30 minute set and it’s not long before I find out why…! There is absolutely no confidence issue here, from the start, Wolfgang is in your face literally by the second song as he crowd surfs and jumps and sets the mosh pit on fire. Bobby Wolfgang is on fire, clearly a few in the audience were definitely here for them tonight and Bobby absolutely embraced them on set.

The sound is a different modern take on Nu Punk crossed with a bit of D&B, think Limp Bizkit meets Pendulum and bloody glorious, these guys definitely grew up watching Scuzz on TV, take no prisoners and given 100% The bar has been raised for Calva Louise that’s for sure and I have a new obsession added to the list, if they keep this up they won’t be the mainstay for long, if you see them on the bill get your ass there to see them, they’re worth it !

Calva Louise:

There is something unique about the poster, not just because they come from all over the world. Jess left Venezuela to move to France where she met Alizon before moving to the UK and bumping into Ben who himself is an English New Zealander and it is the UK they now call home. It’s not because of their attitude, nothing seems to get these people down, every punch is thrown and they hit back harder.

Is it that belief they have in each other and the sheer determination to make things happen, you can’t buy a keyboard that slides out of the way when not in use? They’re going to build one (it’s a brilliant idea for a sneaky guitar/keyboard player – if it’s not patented, it should be)! Even the ‘neon’ logo on the background is done in tape, the costs were ridiculous to have one so they made it themselves and it looks spectacular. And then comes the show and Jesus!

Bobby did a fantastic job of warming up the crowd but they could have set it up as from opener Belicso they are ready to kill it tonight, Under The Skin and Square One to follow and until it comes to Human Becoming I’ m Starting to wonder how it sounds so big, and I mean really big. There are only 3 people on stage, but it looks like there must be 3 or 4 more backstage, it’s so crazy!

Before doing so, Con Corazón Jess explains how when she was learning to speak English, she could “feel” the words, and this song is what she starts singing mostly in her native language. The third-class citizen kicks off the close in spectacular style, drawing in the good-sized crowd. up in the big pit, and Over The Threshold sends bodies flying and Jess into the crowd before the aptly titled Feast Is Over fest ends the night.

The set is short, less than an hour, but the memories will last a long time, I’ve been lucky enough to see almost every big metal/rock band come and go in my time, yes, they could have bigger production and incredible sets. but strip him of that and Calva Louise would give any of them a run for their money, honestly! If you’re a metalhead, they’re simply a must see and with bands like at least two of whom we witnessed tonight, the future of the genre looks well and good.



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