
Headland director on Power List

Headland director on Power List

Headland director Veryan Palmer has been recognized as an “aspirational industry figure driving real change in the hospitality sector” in this year’s influential Boutique Hotelier Power List.

The list, which is compiled by industry experts, provides a rundown of the key hospitality professionals who are inspiring their businesses to hit new heights.

Palmer is among a group of 50 individuals and teams identified as ‘movers and shakers’ across the hospitality sector in 2024.

Commenting on her inclusion as an ‘Industry Titan’ in the Power List, Boutique Hotelier said: “She always puts her team first and ensuring they are given the best opportunity to thrive is her priority.”

Earlier this year, Palmer was among just ten industry professionals, and the only woman, to receive Master Innholder status from the Worshipful Company of Innholders.

“I was surprised and delighted to have been included in this list which includes so many hugely influential industry leaders,” she said.

“It’s particularly heartening that our ongoing commitment to supporting local people was highlighted. Massive congratulations have to go to the wonderful Headland team who support everyone in our wonderful industry, day after day, and show them how amazing hospitality can be.”

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