
LFC players react to shocking statistics on girls’ participation in sport

As part of the ‘Play On’ campaign, Liverpool FC and lead partner Standard Chartered sat down with female players Niamh Fahey, Sophie Roman Haug, Marie Höbinger, Faye Kirby and Hannah Silcock to find out more about why girls are dropping out of sport and about the inestimable benefits that sport can have.

After hearing that more than twice as many girls as boys drop out of sport by the age of 14, LFC Women captain Fahey recalled the big impact her siblings had on her decision to stay in the sport .

“I always had good role models in my older brothers and my sister,” she said. “They all played sports, so I think that environment probably helped.

“If they (young girls) have that mentor or role model, then maybe they can help them with some of the reasons why it’s hard for girls to continue in sports.”

While many young girls face challenges in staying in sport, there are some invaluable benefits to staying in sport, such as developing resilience, determination and leadership skills. Sports can even pave the way to leadership positions later in life, with nearly 94% of women in leadership roles having played or continuing to play sports.

Play On is a five-year campaign that aims to inspire, empower and educate girls to participate in sport.

To watch inspiring stories told by LFC Women players and find out more about ‘Play On’, go here.

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