
Assistance requested for Britt and Celeste Sheffield

Family members have set up a GoFundMe page to raise money and help a member of our bluegrass family, Britt Sheffield, bass player with Breaking Grass, and his wife Celeste. The couple has two young children at home, and Celeste is currently hospitalized.

As we’re told, the young family was attending church last Sunday, and Celeste passed out during the service. After bringing her to the hospital, doctors determined that she had suffered a ruptured aneurysm that resulted in a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is bleeding between the brain and the encapsulating membrane.

Celeste is said to need at least three weeks in hospital after surgery to repair the aneurysm before moving on to rehab. The fear now is that strokes are quite common following such an episode, so she will remain in the neurological intensive care unit for the time being.

She experiences some very strange symptoms, in that whenever she closes her eyes, visual hallucinations occur. Not only have these prevented her from sleeping, but they make her nauseous, so rest is a big concern.

Britt says she’s doing well, able to walk a short distance with a walker, but still has a ways to go.

Family and friends step in to help care for the children while Britt tries to be with his wife as much as possible. The Sheffield family is likely to incur substantial medical expenses from such a prolonged hospitalization, with an uncertain degree of rehab to follow.

The hope is that friends of Breaking Grass will share what they can financially during this difficult time to help with unexpected needs as well as long-term medical costs.

Their GoFundMe campaign can be found online, where donations of any amount can be made quickly and securely using credit or debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo or PayPal.

The Sheffield family will be forever grateful for any help people can give.

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