
Live: Man stabbed in Croydon, with Central shopping center and street near station cordoned off by police

A man was stabbed in Croydon yesterday evening (Monday 13 May). Two areas of Croydon were cordoned off by police as a result. The first location is in the Centrale shopping center and the second is on the North End near West Croydon station.

Officers went to the North End at around 5.20pm to reports of a stabbing, where the victim was found with a stab wound to the leg.

Photos from the scene show police cars guarding the areas, one of which extends inside the mall.

A Met Police spokesman said: “Police were called to North End, Croydon at around 5.20pm on Monday 13 May following reports of a stabbing. Officers and LAS attended and found a man suffering from a stab wound to his leg.

“He was taken to hospital for treatment where he remains. We await an update on his condition. No arrests have been made at this early stage. The crime scene remains on scene and investigations are ongoing. The investigation is being led by CID South Zone. “

The London Ambulance Service has been contacted for further information.

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Where did the stabbing happen?

It happened on Croydon’s North End, a busy lane lined with various shops. It is also near the Central Mall, where part of the crime scene remains. MyLondon is awaiting an update on the victim’s condition.

What we know so far

Good morning and welcome to our coverage of the Croydon stabbing.

A police car near the scene(Image: David Nathan/UKNIP)

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