
Leeds riots: Children taken into police care ‘fearful they are leaving UK’

Four children were taken into police custody following a warning that they were leaving the UK – which led to the Leeds riots, a court heard.

The children were removed because of a tip they were to be taken to Romania or Cyprus, Leeds Family Court heard. But today (Tuesday) a judge said the youngsters, aged between eight and 14, could now be released from foster care.

They have now been taken back to live at their uncle’s house while proceedings continue. The court heard how the children were “extremely upset” and did not settle into foster care, the Mirror reports.

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The four Romanian Roma children were at risk of being separated in foster care if an approved placement could not be found, the court heard.

The family was asked not to take to the streets to celebrate and to keep “calm” for the sake of the children. Reacting to the news that all four children were going to live with their uncle, their mother beat her heart and said, “I’m glad the children are back with their family.”

Police examine the remains of a double-decker bus that was set on fire(Image: Asadour Guzelian)

Judge Trotter Jackson, sitting at Leeds Family Court today, told the family, who are listening to the proceedings with the help of an interpreter, that their four children can now go to live with their uncle.

But she warned: “I think it’s important that everyone is focused on the welfare of the children and getting the temperature down in this case. I was told last week that more civil unrest was threatened on Friday night. I was told on Friday, threats of hunger. the strike had been made by the children’s parents.

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