
Woman ‘heartbroken again’ by what she saw at loved one’s grave

Families who only recently found where their loved ones were buried have been left shocked and horrified after Wirral Council laid a carpet of wild flowers and ‘weeds’ over several graves. The families said it caused them significant distress.

Earlier this year, Wirral Council laid turf over several graves at Landican Cemetery. It was believed that the wildflowers that would grow would be a similar symbol of their loss, as poppies are on war graves. However, the move proved unpopular with families who told the ECHO that tributes to loved ones had been lost in all the growth and they feared their relatives’ graves could be next. A council spokesman said the turf would now be removed.

Many of the affected families were only able to locate their relatives recently, after decades of not knowing their whereabouts because they were stillborn. The work of activists like Gina Jacobs, as well as the efforts of hard-working cemetery staff, has resulted in dozens of children being located in old burial records dating back more than 50 years.

Before the 1980s, it was understood to be common practice in Britain that when a woman had a miscarriage or stillbirth, hospital staff quickly took the baby away. Families were sometimes told that if they had another baby soon and didn’t see it, they would pass.

In recent months, families have discovered that growth around the new memorial has grown out of control, while new wildflowers have taken over some of the graves. Maria Kane’s parents, Kathleen and Harry Miller, gave birth to a stillborn daughter in 1964, whom they named Claire.

Shortly after Kathleen’s death in 1999, the family managed to find the grave and Maria said her father Harry looked after it until he died at Christmas last year. While the grave is currently unaffected by the new turf, Maria was concerned that it would spread.

She said: “It’s awful, very sad and now it’s basically covering the graves. To be honest with you, it is very cruel. My father would be very angry. When we used to visit Claire’s grave, it was the only recognized grave on that block.

Gaynor Warrington found the grave of her twin brothers in November 2023, 15 years after her mother Valerie died. After seeing a photo of the graves on Facebook, she headed to Landican to see for herself, adding: “I couldn’t believe it. It was like a garbage dump. It was like a pile of rubbish and I just stared in disbelief.”

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