
Growing number of Blue Badge thefts in Ealing

Image: Matt Mellor asking what is being done to prevent the theft of Blue Badges at Ealing Council meeting

Vulnerable residents face loss of independence and extra costs because of thefts

A growing number of vulnerable Ealing residents are being left stranded when their Blue Badges are stolen, often through a smashed car window.

Ealing borough is in the top ten of London boroughs for number of valid Blue Badges held. The number of Blue Badge thefts has increased significantly across Ealing with a tenfold increase in a five-year period.

Matt Mellor asked a public question at a meeting of Ealing Council on Tuesday 23 July about what is being done to tackle Blue Badge thefts and to support the victims of this crime. Chiswick Lib Dem councilor Gary Malcolm spoke to him about it afterwards.

Miranda Mellor, a wheelchair user, recently had her Blue Badge stolen. She described the Blue Badge and access to her car as “a lifeline” which impacted all areas of her life including access to work and managing the school run for children. She has had to resort to using taxis since, adding cost and complexity to carrying out what should be simple, easy tasks.

Ealing Lib Dems say:

‘These vulnerable individuals often rely on motorized transport to enable freedom of movement and are significantly disadvantaged when their Blue Badge is stolen. This loss inhibits their independence and presents a number of challenges in accessibility, additional costs and increased delay while they await a replacement.

‘There is usually some damage, a broken car window. This often affects those on the lowest incomes… and carries a cost of between £150 and £1000 (depending on which window, specification, make and model of car), plus knock on effects for insurance premiums depending on insurance types.

Gary Malcolm said:

“The Liberal Democrats are shocked at how little is being done to address this serious issue which impacts some of the most vulnerable in the borough… We urge Ealing Labor to show leadership and implement cost effective solutions adopted by other councils which have cut blue badge thefts .”

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