
The Londoner moves to Cornwall and experiences seven major life changes

While city life is exciting, it can soon start to take its toll on you.

As much as people like to have a lot to do, the daily commute, expensive house prices, and exhausting pace of life start to get exhausting after a while.

Therefore, some Londoners decide to move and try something different. That’s exactly what happened to Tasha Louse, who chose to pack up and head to Cornwall.

The major life decision would be daunting for many – but she took it completely in her stride. In fact, she seems to be much happier since ditching the Big Smoke.

On TikTok, Tasha posted photos of herself in London against Cornwall. They show how much her mindset has changed since she left behind the busy train journeys, corporate ladder and stressed-out Londoners.

At the top of the first snap, Tasha wrote: ‘My thoughts when I worked in London: I’m not good enough, I want more money, I need a big house to prove how successful I am. I’m exhausted, no I don’t want you to do anything after work.

She then posted a picture of herself in Cornwall, listing seven aspects of her life that had vastly improved. She said: “My thoughts on Cornwall: I’m so lucky to live here, take your time, the best things in life are free. It’s so easy to talk to people here and make new friends. Being surrounded by nature is so amazing, I’m so grateful, every day is so different.”

Tasha added: “I feel like I’m thriving, not just surviving.” Her message seemed to resonate with many – as one commenter said: “And this is why I’m moving back home to Cornwall.”

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