
Prediction: The Next Big Biotech Stock Boom Will Be in Longevity Drugs

Prediction: The Next Big Biotech Stock Boom Will Be in Longevity Drugs

I predict that a gold rush in longevity medicines is going to start in the next half-decade or so. That’s right: Biotech and pharma companies are going to try developing drugs that can extend human lifespan. And eventually, they’re going to succeed, at least somewhat.

The early competitors are already getting down to work. Soon enough, there will surely be great opportunities for investment — as well as a sea of opportunities to lose your money. Here’s a road map for how to invest in the best companies within this new area of medicine, starting with an overview of the playing field as it is today.

The boom in longevity drugs is going to have three distinct phases. The first phase, in which pharma businesses develop therapies for the most severe and most widespread aging-associated illnesses, is already underway.

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