
3 Social Security spousal benefits rules you need to know before you apply

Do not sign up until you have all the correct information.

You can generally qualify for Social Security benefits by working and paying into the program throughout your career. But that’s not the only way to connect with benefits during retirement.

If you are not entitled to Social Security based on your personal earnings record, you may be eligible for spousal benefits if you are married to someone who is eligible for Social Security. You can also collect spousal benefits as a divorcee in some situations.

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It’s important to know how Social Security spousal benefits work so you can get the most out of them. Here are some key rules to follow.

1. If you’re married, you can’t file until your spouse applies for Social Security

If you’re divorced, you don’t have to wait for your ex to file for Social Security before you can file for spousal benefits. But the rules are different if you’re married. In this case, you do you have to wait for your spouse to apply and only then can you apply.

That’s why it’s important to talk to your spouse about when to file for Social Security. They may be looking to delay their claim for a higher monthly benefit. But if that prevents you from getting money, they may change their tune.

2. If you file an early return, your spousal benefit will be reduced

When you claim Social Security based on your own earnings record, the youngest age to file is 62. And the same goes for spousal benefits.

But there is a penalty for claiming Social Security before full retirement age that applies to both regular benefits and spousal benefits. For each month you sign up before full retirement age, your monthly benefit is permanently reduced.

Full retirement age is 67 for those born in 1960 or later. If you were born earlier, it’s either 66 or 66 and a certain number of months. Make sure you know what that age looks like for you so you don’t accidentally enroll in Social Security at the wrong time.

3. If you delay your claim, your spousal benefit will not increase

If you’re claiming Social Security based on your own earnings history, there’s an advantage to delaying filing past full retirement age. For every year you do until age 70, your monthly benefit gets an 8% boost. That could leave you with a much higher monthly salary for life. And it’s also a great way to make up for a nest egg you’re not so happy with.

But there is no financial incentive to delay claiming spousal benefits past full retirement age. For spousal benefits, if you apply at full retirement age, the most you can get is 50% of the monthly benefit your spouse is entitled to. But otherwise, your benefit can only go down with an early deposit – it can’t go up, even if you’re willing to be patient and wait.

Social Security is a complex program, and the rules for spousal benefits have the potential to be a bit confusing. Take the time to read how these benefits work so you can make the most of them.

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