
Armenia is seeking a partnership with the US for a new nuclear power plant

The future of nuclear power in Armenia is fast emerging as another point of acrimony between Armenian and Russian leaders.

The country’s old Metsamor nuclear power plant, whose first unit went into operation in 1976, is nearing the end of its life. Armenia at the end of 2023 hit a business with Russia to modernize the facility and expand its operations by 2036. But bilateral relations now face a quick freezingemphasized by Armenia’s efforts to ice Russia in the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process, officials in Yerevan are openly exploring other nuclear power options.

Metsamor’s two units generate about 40% of Armenia’s electricity needs, and the facility already received an upgrade in 2016 that extended its life by a decade. For much of the 21st century, it was overdone for safety reasons. In late August, for example, the plant suffered a lightning strike forcing it to do so disconnect for several days from the country’s power grid as a safety measure.

Consistent with the geopolitical continuation of Armenia pivot away from Russia to the West, senior Armenian government officials began signalization in July that they were in talks with US officials to build a new factory.

The first step in the process is to implement what officials describe as “the legal framework.” The transfer of nuclear technology is heavily regulated under US law and certain safeguards must be in place before any firm commitment is made and construction begins.

“(We) cannot move forward without this legal framework,” said Armen Grigoryan, Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, in July. “Right now, I can say the ball is in the United States’ court.”

In August, a State Department official confirmed to the Armenian news agency CivilNet that the US government is considering Armenia’s request to sign a bilateral nuclear pact, known as 123 Agreementwhich would allow the United States to transfer nuclear technology to Armenia as well as share technical and research know-how. The deal would depend on Armenia’s adherence to specified non-proliferation principles.

The State Department did not respond to a Eurasianet request in time for publication to clarify the timeline for the review of Armenia’s request.

Yerevan at this time stopped forward confirming that an American firm will get the contract to build a new nuclear facility. Officials have hinted that they are KEEPING the door open for competitive bids from entities based in China, France and even Russia. So far, Russian officials have not commented specifically on possible US involvement in the construction of a new Armenian nuclear facility.

For Armenia, the new power plant represents an opportunity both to achieve a symbolic separation from Russia and to reduce very real concerns about energy dependence on the Kremlin. Armenia today imports fossil fuels from Russia to meet 80% of its energy needs, according to the International Energy Agency.

“Nuclear power is a cornerstone of our strategy, ensuring both our nation’s energy security and climate change mitigation.” said Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the Brussels Nuclear Energy Summit in March.

By Brawley Benson via

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