
The trainer says four exercises will burn love handle fat

A trainer has detailed four simple exercises that can burn single handles – the fatty areas on both sides of the waist above the hips – which occur due to fat retention around the hips and abdominal area and are a commonly perceived imperfection that many people have .

The TikTok hashtag #HowToGetRidOfLoveHandles has just 48.8 million views, highlighting just how many people want to get rid of their love handles. Leon Bolmeer, fitness expert and director of Geezer’s Boxing, has developed a specific workout that targets love handles, helping people develop a slimmer waist.

This circuit is designed to be performed 2-3 times per week with at least one day of rest in between. You should aim to do three rounds of this circuit, with 30 seconds of rest between exercises and a 1 minute break between rounds.

Russian twists

Russian twists sound more daunting than they actually are, but they’re a great exercise if you’re looking to tackle excess fat around your waist and tone your midsection.

To do them, simply sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat before leaning back slightly, keeping your core engaged (imagine pulling your belly button toward your spine).

Now twist your torso from side to side, reaching your hands toward the ground on either side (but don’t touch it), and remember to keep your legs up if you feel like you need an extra challenge.

Do 15 reps on each side.

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