
‘Miracle’ glasses powered by the AI ​​revolution

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of speed when it comes to technological breakthroughs…

Imagine this. It’s 1994 and you need to do some research on the internet.

You sit in the chair in front of your desktop computer, press the power button, and then click the AOL icon on your computer screen.

Then suddenly you hear that annoying ringtone. You wait for what seems like forever.

Finally, when you get to the point where you’re ready to throw in the towel and call it a night, you’re in. And suddenly, a world of information is at your feet.

Do you remember those days? If you think about it, it seems crazy that we do things like streaming TV shows from the Internet and such. These were things that were not possible 30 years ago.

The first version of the Internet was created in 1969 and created as a network called ARPANET. Then, in 1983, it began to take shape when a communications protocol called the Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol allowed different types of computers to “talk” to each other.

Fast forward to 1992, and AOL launched a dial-up service to connect to the Internet. To make a call, you needed a phone, so if someone tried to dial the Internet, no one else in the house could use the phone. Dialing speed took about 30 seconds.

Over time, internet speeds have increased and broadband has become more available. But with faster internet speeds and better technology, our patience has grown shorter and shorter.

In 2009, website hosting firm Akamai found that the average patience of a person waiting for a website to load is two seconds. Further studies have found that most e-commerce shoppers are only willing to stay for 2.4 seconds before abandoning a slow site.

So it’s hard to underestimate the importance of speed today.

I bring this up because we are about to see some truly impressive breakthroughs thanks to the AI ​​Revolution. AI is advancing rapidly, and that means more computing power and faster speeds are needed to keep up the momentum.

Tools like ChatGPT are just the beginning. With each passing day, the use cases for AI are increasing. In fact, we’re starting to see some really impressive advances with personal devices that will bring AI even further into the mainstream consciousness.

In today’s 360 SquareI’ll share the details of one of these discoveries and explain how AI makes it possible. I’ll also share more about companies innovating with AI and how you can position yourself to take advantage of the AI ​​revolution.

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