
The woman was ashamed to work in the school cafeteria; Student grade Change this

This essay, as stated, is based on a conversation with Sarah Fiacco. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I was a few weeks into my new job at the school cafeteria when a first grader named Olivia approached me with a note.

“Ms. Fiacco, I just wish you had this,” she said, pressing the letter into my hand. She had simply written, “Thanks for lunch.”

I had to step away for a moment because it got me excited. The note was so special and sweet. It felt like a prize—confirmation that I had done the right thing by turning down a teaching job and becoming a lunch lady.

“What you do is important,” I thought. “I’ll stick with it.”

I started substitute teaching at my children’s school in August 2023, shortly after our family moved to Prattville, Alabama from Virginia with my husband’s job in the US Air Force.

Our financial situation meant we were lucky we didn’t need at work, but I thought it would be nice to give back to the community and keep myself busy.

I am not a disciplinarian

I was pleased last spring when the school asked me if I wanted a permanent position. However, I did not accept. You have to be fully on board when working with kids, and my heart just wasn’t there.

The problem for me was discipline. I worked mostly in middle school, and as we all know, middle school is hard. When you’re a substitute, kids will jump over you if they can.

But while I understand that they need to learn how to behave themselves, I am not the right person to enforce them. I couldn’t raise my voice if the class got a little out of hand.

I speak softly. I will not yell at students. It’s not my personality.

There was a small black button on the wall that you pressed if you needed someone to come, like the principal or counselor.

A child ticket that says: "Thank you for lunch. From Olivia."

Fiacco received this heartfelt note from a grateful first grader in the cafeteria of the school where she works.

Courtesy of Sarah Fiacco

People would say, “Just push the button.” But I couldn’t. It felt like a panic button and I didn’t want to use it. So I would take names and say, “You know, I’m going to talk to your teacher about you because you’re not listening to me.”

I often sat at my desk thinking, “I’m so overwhelmed.” I spoke to the administration about this issue, but they said the kids love me and don’t want me to leave.

I felt sad to turn down the permanent position. It took a lot of soul searching. I wanted to stay involved in the school, especially because my children — Kinsley, 16; Carter, 14; Kasson, 10; and Kendall, 6, attended.

However, the school asked me if I would be interested in another opportunity as a food service associate. I would work in the cafeteria making and serving lunch.

I am an avid foodie and baker. Before we moved to Alabama, I ran a fancy macaron company out of my kitchen, so I had the right kind of experience. I saw it as an opportunity to be with the kids and nurture relationships that I began to develop as a substitute.

A lunch lady was not my idea of ​​a dream job

It was attractive to be able to see the children’s faces and smiles and encourage them without having to discipline them. I wanted to be there for them when they were out of class and more relaxed.

Still, I hesitated. It was a matter of pride. “Are you going to be a lady in the cafeteria?” I thought. “Really?” It was not what I would have described as a “dream job”.

I ran a successful business, but there I was, about to switch to serving food and cleaning floors. It felt like a step down.

But at 40, I knew I had to fight those intrusive thoughts when we compare ourselves to others and think, “This isn’t good enough” and “I have to meet some kind of standard.” It is better to think about what goodness could come from your opportunity.

So I took the job and ran with it. My schedule is from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm and I am always on my feet. There is a lot more manual work than I anticipated. I prepare the food, wash the dishes, serve at the food line or work at the cash register.

A selfie of a mother and her four children next to a door with a patriotic wreath in front.

Fiacco and her children, ages six to 16.

Courtesy of Sarah Fiacco

But it is so fulfilling. It was a reward. My favorite part of the day is serving the children’s meals. We have to move them through the line quickly, but I’ll take the time to ask them how their day is going. It makes such a difference if I bring them a little light – a smile on their face. I want them to know that I’m there for them more than just putting food on their plate.

They’ll look up and say, “Thank you for being here.” When Olivia gave me her beautiful thank you note, it made me feel like I deserved to be seen.

My assumptions about cafeteria work were wrong

I put it on my mirror. Every day, when I choose my outfit, it reminds me why I do this job.

As for my own children, they love that I am still at their school. They will find me if they need me. They’ll hug me and say, “Hi mom, we’re so proud of you.”

Like me, they know I’m very wrong when I’m embarrassed to be a lunch lady. It’s the perfect fit.

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